The founder of ILS Education has started a Educational and Welfare Charitable Trust to uplift the Rural People in India. The same has been formulated to serve the following missions.
To become a leading Non Profit Educational Trust in India
Empowering Rural Indian Youths
To impart awareness education development Activities to the scheduled, minorities and backward sections, tribal and particularly women and unemployed youth to enable them to achieve their empowerment.
To undertake various programmers like awareness education, literacy, formation of self help group skills training, savings and thrift, facilitating financial linkages for the development of women.
To conduct appropriate vocational skill training and entrepreneurship development training for the promotion of income generation programs among women for their economical enhancement and improve their livelihood.
Welfare Programs for widows, destitute, aged, physically and mentally challenged person.
To educate and rehabilitated and the physically handicapped, disabled mentally, retorted and school dropouts.
Undertake and conduct research studies and assist the N.G.Os to take up Micro Level Research Studies in the field of social development.
To start Nursery, Primary, Matriculation and Higher Secondary School, Non-formal school, Teacher Training Institute. Computer Education institutions and Technical education centers to promote the level of education for the poor students.
To support the struggles of the rural, dalits, tribal and urban and poor the agriculture laborers, women workers and child laborers through skill and Vocational Training in the field agricultural, food production, food preservation and production.